Deliverance Evangelistic Church (NDEC)
Is a fellowship of individuals united by a common faith in the Lord
Jesus Christ.
It is composed of gifted people from diverse cultural backgrounds, experiences and walks of life, all of whom have made a public confession of their Identification with Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. As members, we agree to use our talents and the gifts God has given us to carry out His mission on the earth through this local church.
All members believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, commonly known as the "Holy Bible" to be the sole source of faith and the absolute rule of conduct for human life. They have determined to build their lives on this truth.
Each member subscribes wholly to the belief that Jesus Christ is the only true Savior, that He is Lord of life, and that the only way a person can have eternal life is through being united with Jesus in Spirit by repentance and faith. They have also purposed to reach and teach humanity this fundamental truth.
All members understand that the purpose of the local church is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in the development, preservation, and expression of the life of God in the believer, through instruction and opportunities for service.
Members belong on the basis of corporate fellowship and mutual trust between one another. Membership is a trust relationship and that trust is to be taken very seriously! NDEC members affirm that the church is one body, and every member is to strive to keep the oneness and unity of the Spirit.
Your completion and submission of this application for membership will be accepted as an expression of your desire to financially support, be identified with, and voluntarily submit to this ministry and it's leadership. It is an act of your obedience to God, having been directed by Him to NDEC.
To become a member of New Deliverance Evangelistic Church, click button below to fill out application.